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Dr_Tanya_Ekanayaka_2_Photo_by_Lee_Howell-1Dr.Tanya Ekanayaka was born and grew up in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Her parents always encouraged her to develop her artistic skills but never exerted any pressure on her to consider taking up music professionally. In fact, it was very clear to her from an early age that all they really wished for was that she would grow up loving music and the piano as a means to letting music be a source of contentment in her life.

She grew up within a very natural environment surrounded by beautiful mountains and streams. She was not a hard working studious child but a very playful one who would spend hours outdoors with her best friend exploring mountain trails, plying with mud, gathering wild flowers and picking fruits. So it really was a rather idyllic and healthy environment and perhaps most importantly, an environment tailored to cultivate and fire the imagination for herself. She believes that her musical creativity owes considerably to the years she spent in this environment. The key moment that led her to being the pianist-composer she is today was when her parents first decided to introduce her to the piano when she was around five years old. Today she has become a prominent figure in the world being a concert composer-pianist and a linguist which is a rather rare and an unusual combination.

Tanya - New

(Contd. in Dec. 2014 Issue )

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